Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Living and Finding

Okay, I am about as good at posting blogs as a fish is at walking but here goes.
So today, Chuck Norris turned 70, and my question is, what happens when Chuck jumps in a lake? Does he get soaked?, nope, the lake gets Chucked!!

Okay that was somewhat entertaining.
These are hard to write! It is like I am writing into space about just whatever. Hmmm. A topic, what can be my topic?

I know. Finding what is important to do with your life. Now, I am a Christian, so automatically, I think," just live for God". And that is very good but then I consider, "How?" How can I best use the years I have here, the limited time with unlimited possibilites, to the best purpose?

So now I have an idea for this blog. It is sort of a search to find the way to live out my "living waters" title of this blog.